Awareness of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

  • December 7, 2022

Awareness of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

Awareness of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
Date: December 7, 2022
Venue: Auditorium, SRCC Centre for Child Development

A talk by Mrs. Mrinalini Kher, a renowned social entrepreneur, Hon. Secretary & Trustee of Kherwadi Social Welfare Association (KSWA) and also the moving spirit and co-founder of “Yuva Parivartan (YP)”, a project of KSWA, was organized for the staff on “Awareness of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace” from 3.30 to 4.30 pm.

The employees were made aware that SRCC is an equal employment opportunity organisation, committed to creating a healthy working environment that enables employees to work without fear of prejudice, gender bias and sexual harassment. The SRCC management values every individual and is committed to protect the dignity and respect of every individual.

The aim of the talk was to elucidate awareness amongst the employees regarding sexual harassment law procedures laid down for a complaint, inquiry, and the action to be taken under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. Mrs. Kher educated the employees about what conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the ways and means to prevent occurrence of any such event and in the unlikely chance of such an occurrence, what is a fair mechanism for dealing with such untoward conduct. She also cited various examples of harassment of women at workplace and how the cases were resolved. The employees participated in the discussion enthusiastically making the session more interactive and informative.