Your child at school (Anxiety & Stress) – Seminar

Your Child at School Speakers
  • October 13, 2018

Your child at school (Anxiety & Stress) – Seminar

Date: October 13, 2018
Venue: SRCC Auditorium, SRCC Centre for Child Development, Haji Ali

Invitees: Cathedral & John Cannon School: Infant, Junior & Middle school teachers & class representative parents.

“Your child at school: When all is not as it should be” 2nd workshop (Anxiety & Stress)
In today’s era, there is a pressing need for parents and teachers to recognize the growing epidemic of Anxiety and Stress and allied problems that children in school face today. Therefore for an increased awareness about the same an Interactive talk by Dr. Viraj Sanghi was organized for teachers & class representative parents of Cathedral & John Cannon High School followed by a Panel discussion with our team of Psychologist, Behaviour Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Director of Rehabilitation department.